MCI Screen™
The MCI Screen is a precise measure of memory function with 97% accuracy*. It compares a patient’s memory performance against their demographic peer group and accurately classifies function within published norms. It is simple to implement in clinical practice, and enables physicians to determine if a patient’s memory is within expected norms for their age and level of education. Using the MCI Screen to perform short, reimbursed assessments can greatly improve patient care, while building your practice.
*The MCI Screen does not diagnose particular medical conditions, but effectively classifies patients into a Normal/Below Normal range of memory function. In this way, it serves as a "traffic-cop" technology so that physician’s can confidently reassure patients who have noticed normal, age-related cognitive changes, while carefully selecting other patients who may benefit from further clinical evaluation.
Healthy Brain Checklist
The Healthy Brain Checklist is a free, self-administering checklist, which patients can complete in less than a minute, in the physician's waiting room. It effectively identifies concerns that are consistent with normal aging (benign concerns), as well as concerns that are likely to be caused by an underlying medical condition (qualified concerns). Qualified concerns should be further evaluated with the MCI Screen.
The Functional Assessment Staging Test (FAST)
The FAST is an electronic version of the most accepted clinical framework for measuring the course of Alzheimer's disease. It can be used for differential diagnosis and for measuring treatment effect in Alzheimer's patients under your care.
Depression Screen
The Depression Screen is a short electronic questionnaire used to assess an individual's depression status. It is based on the DSM-IV criteria for major depressive disorder and is useful in ruling-out depression as a cause of memory loss. In most circumstances, assessing a patient with the Depression Screen qualifies for reimbursement from Medicare and other major payers.
Prevention Report
The Prevention Report is an electronic questionnaire, which summarizes risk factors for cognitive impairment by checking an individual's medical history, life style, and family medical history. After completing the questionnaire, a personalized report is generated to summarize the individual’s risk factors and to provide other educational information about the prevention of cognitive decline. The Prevention Report is based on a comprehensive review of published literature and evidence-based medicine research.
Memory Screen
The Memory Screen, an informant-based memory assessment, is a short electronic questionnaire to identify concerns about of memory loss. It has published sensitivity of 94% and specificity of 80%.